Double Review: The Cinderella Moment & The Rapunzel Dilemma

I read one outside on the grass, the other curled up in bed!

Jennifer Kloester
Penguin Teen AUS
Published 24th July 2013/27th August 2014
Bought from Dymocks/Received from Netgalley

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for 
providing a galley of The Rapunzel Dilemma in 
exchange for an honest review.


Same author

Same characters

Different perspectives

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Double Review: Just One Day & Just One Year


Gayle Forman
Definitions Books (imprint of Random House)
Published 10th January 2013/10th October 2013
Bought from Bookworld

 After reading and falling in love with If I Stay and Where She Went, I was really looking forward to Just One Day and Just One Year, so I bought them together so I could devour one after the other. I didn’t know what I was expecting from the two books except that I expected it to be amazing. I expected the same level of emotion, the raw feelings and the ugly sobbing I exhibited the first time around. I expected to feel it all, right down deep in my chest and my gut and a headache from all the crying. I expected something really wonderful.

I set the bar too high. I let my love for the other two books I’d read by Gayle Forman get the better of me and so I am partly to blame for what comes next…

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